Why is experience in finishing work the key to success?

Running a finishing company is not only about the ability to manage a team or perfect work organization. It is also practical knowledge and experience that determine the quality of work performed and customer satisfaction. But why is experience so important? What can years of practice and constantly developed skills prove? Find out more in the article below.

What does experience mean?

  1. Experience guarantees quality.

In the construction industry, and especially in finishing works, quality is the key. An experienced specialist knows what materials to choose, how to use them and what techniques to use to ensure that the effect is both aesthetic and durable. Thanks to years of practice, he is able to avoid mistakes that may affect the durability and appearance of the completed works. Years of presence on the market, as well as numerous resulting projects, make up SaniWell’s extensive experience.

  1. Anticipating problems.

Lack of experience often leads to failure to anticipate difficulties that may arise during the execution of the order. Experienced professionals are able to anticipate and respond to potential problems in advance, rather than trying to solve them when they arise. What to do if the renovation company does not want to fulfill the contract? Check out our guide.

  1. Saving time and money.

Errors resulting from inexperience may lead to the need for corrections, which generates additional costs and extends the project implementation time. Experience allows us to avoid such situations, which translates into savings for both the contractor and the client.

  1. Client satisfaction.

A client who decides to cooperate with an experienced company can count on professionalism at every stage of the order execution. Experience builds trust and confidence that the entrusted work will be performed with due care. That’s why we want the completed interiors to meet the expectations of our customers, whose opinions can be read here.

  1. Continuous improvement and development.

Experience does not mean stagnation. On the contrary, experienced professionals often expand their knowledge and skills by participating in training and workshops. Thanks to this, they are up to date with technological innovations and trends in the finishing industry.


Running a finishing company without appropriate experience is a risky venture. Experience is not only a guarantee of quality, but also the certainty that each stage of work will be carried out with attention to detail and using the best practices. Therefore, it is worth investing in experience – your own, through continuous education and practice, or by using the services of experienced companies that already have such experience.

SaniWell has been operating since 2006. Over the years of our activity, we have had the opportunity to finish and turnkey furnish hundreds of apartments. That is why, among others: many years of presence on the market and numerous projects, knowledge of materials and learning new solutions, and cooperation with industry professionals constitute our experience. Experience, which is always included in the price of our services.