How long does it take to finish an apartment? How much time is needed to furnish the apartment?

Finishing the apartment is the next step after buying real estate, which brings us closer to our dream place from life. When buying an apartment from a developer, we usually take into account the fact that we have to wait from a few to a dozen or so months for the building to be completed. However, the next question is how much time should we spend on finishing and furnishing the apartment? The time that should be spent on finishing the apartment depends on the expected effect.

Time of finishing the apartment – general information

When thinking about finishing the interior, depending on whether it is an apartment from the secondary or primary market, there is a whole range of works to plan and organize. It is crucial to define what end result we expect. Do we care only about carrying out the necessary renovation and construction works? Or also the basic finishing of the apartment and bathroom equipment? Or are we looking for a service that will result in an interior ready to move in: fully furnished, equipped and furnished? Another, but equally important question is whether we are interested in the interior design service by an architect? Such a designer would advise us on the choice of equipment, materials and colors to suit our tastes and needs.

How long does it take to finish and equip an apartment in the turnkey service “you come in and live”?

The comprehensive “you enter and live” service covers all works that make the interior ready to live in. Starting from a detailed interior design with visualizations of each room, through planning works and placing orders for products and services. Then we start renovation and construction works in accordance with the interior design, custom-made furniture, assembly of the purchased equipment, lighting and other ready-made furniture. Finally, we install household appliances, household appliances and decorations. This is the “walk in and live” service provided by SaniWell, i.e. the most personalized and comprehensive option for finishing an apartment, where one company is responsible for all finishing works.

How long can a turnkey service “go in and live in” take?

Depending on the client’s expectations and the scope of work. The first step is to prepare an interior design. With an average apartment size of 50 sq m, the time spent on cooperation with a dedicated architect is usually around 3 months. During this time, among others, a detailed interior design is prepared along with technical drawings of changes in hydraulic and electrical installations, reconstruction and demolition, a functional layout with the arrangement of equipment, technical drawings of furniture for carpenters, photorealistic visualizations and a full product list specifying all the equipment which will be purchased and installed in the interior.

The next stage is renovation, construction and finishing works, which include carrying out all activities to bring the renovated interior to the one that was designed. These include: changes in installations, demolition and additions, tiling works, assembly of floors, doors, wall finishing, installation of lighting, making furniture to size, assembly of ready-made furniture and other equipment, including e.g.: RTV equipment, curtain rods or wall decorations. All these works, which lead to the interior fully ready to move in, together with the initial securing of the space and final cleaning, should last up to about 4 months.

The completion time results not only from the complexity of the service, but also from the waiting time for the implementation of certain products and services. For example, it can be made-to-measure furniture or specific door models that are made to order.

Time to finish the apartment based on the finishing packages

Package finishing of the apartment is a more basic service. Due to the less comprehensive range, the finishing time is also shorter. The standard scope of the package service includes the preparation of visualizations of the bathroom only, which is finished and equipped in accordance with the materials available in the package. The package offer also includes finishing of walls, floors, installation of doors and lighting. Each additional work item, as well as the exchange for non-package materials, are individually calculated as an additional option.

In the case of package finishing, the selection of products and the preparation of the visualization of the bathroom and, optionally, the kitchen is provided for up to 1 month, while standard finishing works usually last about 2.5 months.

It is worth noting that the packages offered by SaniWell are flexible, which means the freedom to expand the package offer with additional equipment, custom-made furniture or additional services such as air conditioning or smart home systems.

How long does it take to renovate an apartment from the secondary market in the ReFIT service?

And what about a second-hand apartment? Finishing an apartment from the secondary market would take the same time as in the “walk in and live” service or on the basis of one of the finishing packages, but the time spent on preparatory work – i.e. bringing the interior to the developer’s condition – should be added. This is the entirety of activities consisting in chipping old tiles, breaking panels, replacing electrics and adapting hydraulics to new devices. It is the replacement of the door, the alignment of the walls and the execution of plaster. Added to this is the disposal of old equipment, furniture or household appliances.

All of this work is included in the ReFIT service provided by SaniWell. We are responsible for all activities that would result in restoring the interior to its developer condition. The next step would be to finish the apartment according to the selected standard: a comprehensive turnkey service “you enter and live” or based on one of the finishing packages.