“Come in and live” is a comprehensive turnkey finishing service for houses, apartments and flats
Each of you who has ever renovated an apartment knows how many issues need to be solved. How many meetings should be held, how many times to go to the store for something that the finishing team just missed. Moreover, there is also the whole process of coordination and control. After all, we want what is designed to be realized by a renovation company.
Our offer is addressed to those of you – conscious customers who do not want to go through it again.
The “come in and live” service means the overall finish, equipment and furnishings of the apartment, which has been designed by the architect. On the other hand, the customer can enjoy it from the very beginning. The versions and approximate prices we present apply to fully finished and ready-to-live-in apartments.
SaniWell - Krowodrza
SaniWell - Krowodrza
What are the differences between a packaged finish and “come in and live”?
Description | Complex service “come in and live” | Package solutions |
Working with an architect | Individual design consultations and selection of materials, which lasts up to three months | Limited number of hours devoted to project consultations (5-7 hours) |
Material range | No product restrictions – all models and products available on the market | Limited material selection specified in the catalog |
The scope of finishing works | Unlimited number of changes and modifications. Full performance of plaster | A certain number of changes up to a few points in relation to the developer status. Most often without plaster |
Completeness of the equipment | Interiors ready to move in with lighting, custom-made and ready-made furniture. | Most often wet works, installation of floors and doors. No lighting |
Additional equipment | Full equipment, according to individual expectations, including: home theater, smart home, air conditioning, window curtains and textiles | No additional equipment products |
In the table below we have collected the main differences between the generally available package offer and the unique and comprehensive “come in and live” service.
The “come in and live” service means an interior ready to move in.
A customer who decides to cooperate with SaniWell does not deal with any work related to finishing, renovation, purchase and assembly of products. You do not need to buy household appliances. What’s more, there is no need to order kitchen furniture, wardrobe or other furniture yourself. Everything is ordered, delivered and assembled by SaniWell, in accordance with the assumptions of the interior design.
Our “come in and live” standard means that the interiors are designed, finished, decorated and fully furnished. In practice, this term means that you do not have to do anything else in the apartment and everything is ready. beginning.
The cost of finishing the apartment in the “come in and live” standard
Many of us do not realize how much it costs to finish an apartment “ready to move in”, i.e. the interior is finished and fully equipped. We rarely have enough persistence to accurately count all costs. That is why we have prepared a repair expenses calculator. It is enough to enter the amounts of products that have been selected for your home in the right place. Therefore, the calculator allows you to visualize the costs that make up a new apartment.
Finishing expenses calculator
Interior design at SaniWell
Thanks to cooperation with architects and interior designers, we are open to various concepts of investment finishing. The assumption is to prepare an apartment design that will meet your needs, expectations and financial possibilities.
We also invite you to contact us if you have your architect.
SaniWell - Ruczaj - Elegance
SaniWell - Ruczaj - Elegance
SaniWell - Ruczaj - Elegance
Individual interior finishes and packages: a few words about alternative options.
For those of you who are not interested in an individual interior design, we can offer you the use of ready-made finishing variants – the so-called interior finishing packages. It is also an attractive form of apartment renovation, which saves a lot of time. At the same time, it gives an appropriate level of quality of the offered equipment and renovation works.
For an apartment finished in a package way, you should buy additional furniture and other decorative elements. Nevertheless, the package option allows you to do the most difficult jobs at a low cost.
The Package options are the Start, Komfort, Premium and Investment variants
Turnkey interior finishing is a service whose aim is to smoothly guide the investor through the entire process of finishing the apartment. From the design that we do according to the client’s expectations, through renovation works, purchase and installation of bathroom equipment, ordering and installation of floors, doors, wallpapers, free-standing furniture, to ready-made or custom-made kitchens, household appliances, air conditioning and home cinema or even curtains in windows and tableware on the table.
SaniWell - Browar Lubicz - Elegance
SaniWell - Wizjonerów
SaniWell - Złocień
SaniWell - Dąbska
SaniWell - Elegance - Prądnik Czerwony
“Come in and you live” is the most complete service on the interior finishing market
Catalogue for “come in and live” standard
Our “come in and live” standard is a unique service of comprehensive finishing of flats, houses and apartments “turnkey”. Therefore, it is worth mentioning once again that the interiors presented by us have been designed for individual needs, comprehensively finished, fully equipped and furnished. All you need to do is to “come in and live”.